Clerical Assistant (Stenography), Senior Research Fellow In Central Potato Research Institute – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Clerical Assistant (Stenography)
Central Potato Research Institute
Postal Code: 171001
City: Shimla
State: Himachal Pradesh
Pay Scale: Rs. 8000/- per month (Consolidated)
Educational Requirements: Graduate, Short hand speed-80 words/min for English, good working knowledge on computer
Qualifications: Short hand speed 60 words/min for Hindi (The candidates who will qualify the Stenography test will be interviewed)
Details will be available at:
Senior Research Fellows (Flagship Programme)
Pay Scale:Rs. 16,000/- + HRA . for first two years & Rs. 18,000/- + HRA p.m. for third year .
Educational Requirements:Master degree (M.Sc./M.Tech.) in Agriculture/Horticulture/allied disciplines
Experience Requirements:Experience in handling equipments like GCMS, LCMS, Spectrophotometer , atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Good working knowledge on computer.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 03, 01
How To Apply: Interested/eligible candidates should submit their application along with the attested copies of educational qualification (provisional degree of Bachelors and Masters are mandatory )/experience certificates and one passport size photograph to the Asstt. Admn. Officer(E-I), CPRI, Shimla-171001 at 9.30 AM on the date of interview (Separate application is required for each post). The candidates appearing for interview must bring original certificate with them and only those candidates possessing essential qualification as per advertisement will be interviewed. The Director, CPRI, Shimla reserves the right either to fill up the post or cancel the interview without assigning any reasons thereof. Application form is available in the website ( website:http// No TA/DA will be given by the Institute for candidates. The Institute is located at Bemloe which is about 2 Kms from Main Bus Stand(Old)/3 Kms. from the Railway Station and about 5 Kms. from ISBT (Tutikandi).
General Instructions: The interested and eligible candidates may download these instructions and submit their applications along with all its enclosures (Separate application is required for each post ) in the prescribed proforma at 9.30 AM on the date of interview to the Asstt. Admn. Officer(Estt.-I), CPRI, Shimla-171001 (HP).
Detail of Interview: 28.2.2015 FOR Senior Research Fellows, 3.3.2015 FOR Clerical Assistant
Age Limit: SRF – Males- 35 years & Women 40 years. Clerical Asstt.(Stenography)-32 years both for Men & Women.
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