Government Jobs For Assistant Foreman Trainee (Mechanical, Electrical) In SCCL – Kothagudem, Telangana - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Government Jobs For Assistant Foreman Trainee (Mechanical, Electrical) In SCCL – Kothagudem, Telangana

Singareni Collieries Company Limited

Assistant Foreman Trainee (Mechanical)

Singareni Collieries Company Limited

Address: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem, Khammam
Postal Code: 507101
State: Telangana
Pay Scale: Rs.19035.02 (NCWA T&S GRADE-C).
Qualifications: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (D.M.E.) from any State Board of Technical Education approved by AICTE.

Assistant Foreman Trainee (Electrical)

Pay Scale:Rs.19035.02 (NCWA T&S GRADE-C).
Qualification:Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (D.E.E) (from Institutions Approved by AICTE)

No of Post: 72/60
How To Apply: Candidates should submit ONLINE Application available at www.scclmines.com and should invariably send Print of the ONLINE Application Form together with required enclosures ONLY THROUGH POST/COURIER
well within time to reach General Manager (Personnel)/EE&RC), THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES CO. LTD., RECRUITMENT CELL, KOTHAGUDEM-507101, KHAMMAM DIST. (TS) on or before 04.03.2015. Late receipt of print of the Online Application will be rejected and no claim will be entertained.
Last Date: 25.02.2015
Age Limit: 22 Years

General Information: 1. Applications received after last date i.e., 04.03.2015 OR in any other format than prescribed OR incomplete, will be summarily rejected. Delays in transit, and applications without relevant enclosures would be rejected without assigning any reason.
2. SCCL Management does not hold responsibility for any interference of web site due to technical snag.
3. The relevant Pass/Provisional/Original Certificate of the qualifying examination should have been dated on or before 01.02.2015. Wherever experience is prescribed as eligibility parameter, the same will be counted as on 01.02.2015.
5. Candidates who wish to claim reservation should invariably enclose copy of Permanent Caste Certificate issued in accordance with G O Ms. No. 58 dtd.12.05.1997 or the Caste Certificate recently issued by Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildhar/Mandal Revenue Officer, date of issue of which should be six months earlier to 01.02.2015.

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