Junior Resource (Computer Centre) In National Institute of Hydrology – Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Junior Resource (Computer Centre)
National Institute of Hydrology
Postal Code: 247667
City: Roorkee
State: Uttarakhand
Pay Scale: Rs.20,000/p.m. to Rs. 40,000/- depending upon educational qualification and experience. Plus Rs.1,500/-p.m. as local conveyance.
Educational Requirements: MCA or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/IT
Experience Requirements: (i) Five years experience in computer maintenance (ii) Two years experience in computer maintenance & software development etc.
Details will be available at: http://www.nih.ernet.in/Walk-in-interview/Adv_Resource_Person-2015.pdf
How To Apply: The National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) is organizing a Walk-In-Interview on dated 2nd March 2015 for hiring of Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) on contract basis. The interview may continue for 3rd March 2015 if the candidates reported on 2nd March could not be interviewed on the same date. Out station candidates has to make their own arrangements for lodging and boarding, if required.
General Instructions: 1. Professionals with requisite qualifications and experience as prescribed would be eligible for being engaged as Resource Persons (Junior & Senior). 2. Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) would be engaged for a fixed period for providing high quality services to the Institute or for attending to specific and time-bound jobs. 3. The appointment of Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) would be on Full-time basis and they would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Consultancy with the NIH. 4. The appointment of Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) is of a temporary nature and the appointment can be cancelled at any time by the Institute without assigning any reason. 5. The initial term of appointment and subsequent extension (s) if any, shall be decided on case to case basis depending upon the specific job and the time frame for its completion. 6. The Resource Persons shall not be entitled to any allowance such as Dearness Allowance, Residential Telephone, Transport Facility, Residential Accommodation, Personal Staff, CGHS/Medical Reimbursement etc. However, they will be entitled for local conveyance as per the rates prescribed above. 7. The Resource Person (Junior & Senior) may be provided with the transit accommodation as per prevailing rules of the Institute. The applicable licence fee shall be charged and the Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) shall vacate the accommodation on the termination or expiry of the tenure, whichever is earlier. 8. No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the appointment on contractual basis. Resource Persons (Junior & Senior) shall be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work. 9. The selection of candidates will be made through Walk-in-Interview. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for attending the interview. 10. Candidates can directly attend the walk-in-interview on March 02, 2015 at 10.00 A.M. in the Chamber of Director, NIH alongwith complete bio-data, passport size photograph and original proof of qualification and experience. They must also bring with them attested copies of their certificates. 11. Bio-data Format: Name…, Father’s name…, Date of birth…, Domicile…, Nationality…., Mailing address(with Tel./Mob. No. and E-mail Address)…., Permanent address…. , Educational Qualifications (High School/Matric onwards…., Work Experience (Mentioning Sl.No., Organisation/Institute, Period (from to),Nature of work and remarks )….,Whether SC/ST/OBC…., Reference from two officers and, List of enclosures and Signature of Candidate with date. 12. Candidate may report in N.I.H. at 10-00 AM for Interview. The candidates reporting after 10-00 AM will not be allowed for the interview.
Detail of Interview: March 02, 2015 at 10.00 A.M.
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