Junior Technical Assistant Required in Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments (IDEMI), February 2015 - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Junior Technical Assistant Required in Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments (IDEMI), February 2015

Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments IDEMI

Junior Technical Assistant
Last Date:- 22ndFebruary 2015
Mode of Application:- Offline
Mode of Selection:- Written Test/ Interview
Job Location:- Mumbai, Maharashtra

Name of Post:- Junior Technical Assistant
No. of Post:- 12 (Gen-05, OBC-03, SC-03, ST-01)
Age Limit:- 30 years (as on 01st January 2015)
Pay Scale:- Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.2800/-
Educational Qualification:- Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/communication Engineering / Instrumentation/ Mechanical Engineering/Tool Design or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institution.

Application fee:- Rs.300/- Demand Draft drawn in favour of IDEMI Mumbai
How to apply:- Eligible candidates can send their application in the prescribed format along with all relevant document sent to THE PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE FOR DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, EASTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, CHUNABHATTI, SION P.O., MUMBAI – 400 022 on or before 22nd February 2015
This Sarkari Naukri details is brought to you by sarkarinaukrisms.in
Click here for full notification http://www.idemi.org/downloads/Recruitment-Advt.pdf

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