Professor (HAG) In National Institute of Technology – Sikkim
Professor (HAG)
National Institute of Technology Sikkim
Address: Barfung Block, Ravangla Sub Division
Postal Code: 737139
State: South Sikkim
Pay Scale: Rs. 67,000 – Rs. 79,0000/-
Educational Requirements: Ph.D
Qualifications: 04 Ph.D.s guided as sole or principal supervisor plus at least one full time resident student continuing. The following during the past six years (i) 04 papers in SCI journals; (ii) 02 high value sponsored or consultancy projects plus one ongoing; (iii) Academic outreach activity equivalent to 03 selffinanced short - term courses offered as coordinator and main teacher; (iv) Three experiments or computational projects added to teaching laboratories (v) Significant contribution to Institute management through personal initiative in responsible positions.
Experience Requirements: Six years as Professor with AGP of Rs. 10,000/- or Rs. 10,500/- in an Institute of national importance.
Pay Scale:PB- 4 with Grade pay of Rs. 10500/-
Educational Requirements:Ph.D
Other Qualification:Two Ph.D. degrees guided in career as sole or
principal supervisor. The following during the past 04 years: (i) 03 papers in SCI journals; (ii) One High value sponsored or consultancy project; (iii) Academic outreach activity equivalent to two selffinanced courses offered as
coordinator and main teacher; (iv) Two experiments or computational design projects with added to Teaching laboratories where appropriate.
principal supervisor. The following during the past 04 years: (i) 03 papers in SCI journals; (ii) One High value sponsored or consultancy project; (iii) Academic outreach activity equivalent to two selffinanced courses offered as
coordinator and main teacher; (iv) Two experiments or computational design projects with added to Teaching laboratories where appropriate.
Experience Requirements:10 years after Ph.D or 13 years total (not counting Ph.D enrolment period) out of which 07 years are to be after Ph.D.; At least three years to be at Associate Professor level in an Institution of repute.
Details will be available at:
How To Apply: Applications must be in the prescribed format as available in the Institute Website only. Interested candidates may download the same from the website Please mention Post Applied and Department on the top-left corner of the envelope containing the application. Separate applications are to be submitted for each Post and Department. Application in the prescribed format completed in all respects along with attested copies of relevant testimonials, certificates should be submitted, along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 600/-for General Candidates and Rs. 300/- for SC/ST/PH drawn in favour of The Director, NIT Sikkim payable at SBI Ravangla Branch, South Sikkim to “The Director, National Institute of Technology Sikkim, Ravangla Campus, Barfung Block, South Sikkim– 737 139”, on or before 05th March, 2015. The envelope containing the application be super-scribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………….. DEPARTMENT………………………………….”. Last date for receipt of hardcopy applications is 05th March, 2015. Copy of application may be sent by email by 23rd Feb. 2015 to Applications received after the last date may be summarily rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay or lost email. Incomplete application forms and applications without photograph, signature, experience certificate, documentary evidence in connection with the claim made etc. will be summarily rejected.
General Instructions: . The candidates may find the application form at the NIT Sikkim Website. The duly completed application form along with enclosures may be sent by speed/registered post to The Director, National Institute of Technology Sikkim, Ravangla Campus, Barfung Block, South Sikkim – 737 139. In addition, applicants are required to submit applications through e-mail to The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect shall be as such the closing date for receipt of applications. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification and experience requirements do not entitle any candidate to be called for interview. The Institute has the right to set higher norms than minimum
while short listing, taking into account the specific requirements of the individual departments. The short listing norms may not be uniform across the departments of the Institute. The decision of the Institute related to all matters pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and binding on the applicants. The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect shall be as such the closing date for receipt of applications. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification and experience requirements do not entitle any candidate to be called for interview. The Institute has the right to set higher norms than minimum
while short listing, taking into account the specific requirements of the individual departments. The short listing norms may not be uniform across the departments of the Institute. The decision of the Institute related to all matters pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and binding on the applicants.
Last Date: 23rd Feb. 2015
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