Technical Assistant, OPD Attendant In Banaras Hindu University (BHU) – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Technical Assistant
Banaras Hindu University
Postal Code: 221005
City: Varanasi
State: Uttar Pradesh
Pay Scale: PB-1 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-
Educational Requirements: M.Sc. OR B.Sc. with 4 years experience in the relevant area
Qualifications: Diploma with 3 years experience in the relevant area.
Details will be available at:
OPD Attendant
Pay Scale:PB-1 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 1800/-
Educational Requirements:B.Sc. with 2 years experience/I.Sc.
Experience Requirements:5 years experience in 100 bedded hospital/Government Health Sector/Government Hospital.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 01, 01
How To Apply: The applications shall be invited through online mode. The applicants should be required to submit their downloaded application form (hard copy) after filling it online, along with all the enclosures to the Office of the Recruitment & Assessment Cell, Holkar House, BHU by last date of submission of application, i.e. the hard copy of the application along with the enclosures must reach to the Recruitment & Assessment Cell by the last date of submission of applications.
General Instructions: Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be REJECTED. While filling the online application, if your browser closes unexpectedly or if you are logged out, please use the login information sent to your email to login again. In case of any technical problems, please send an email to There are several Tabs in your application. After completing each tab, you should click on “Save and Proceed” button to saving the information and move to the next tab. Completing all tabs is necessary. After filling all tabs, the candidate can finally submit his application. Please note that you cannot make any changes after that. On successful submission, the applicant will come across a link to download a PDF of the application, which he/she will have to print and send to BHU after signing it and having it forwarded by his employer, if any, with the requisite application fee, so as to reach BHU by the cutoff date/ last date. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview. More stringent criteria including holding written test may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. Applicants having higher qualification and merit or higher marks in the written test will be given preference.
Last Date: 20.02.2015.
Contact Details: Tel. : 0542-6703236 Fax: 0542-2368781
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