Various Group-C posts by Uttarakhand PSC Feb-2015 - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Various Group-C posts by Uttarakhand PSC Feb-2015

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC)
Ayog Bhawan, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 (Uttarakhand)

Various Group-C posts by Uttarakhand PSC

The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites Online applications for the following Group-C posts of for various Departments and Organisations of  Government of Uttarakhand  :
  1. Lecturer (Cookery,  Bakery, House Keeping, Restaurant, Reception) :  01 post in Tourism Department
  2. Deputy Sports Officer : 03 posts in Sports Department
  3. Technical Assistant Geo-Physics : 01 post in Industrial Development Department
  4. Technical Assistant Geology : 02 posts in Industrial Development Department
  5. Technical Assistant Chemistry : 01 post in Industrial Development Department
  6. Mines Inspector : 10 posts in Industrial Development Department
  7. Draftsman  : 01 post in Industrial Development Department
  8. Assistant Engineer (Civil) :  05 posts in Health and Family Welfare Department
  9. Head Clerk : 24 posts in Centralised Palika Service (Urban Development Department)
  10. Surveyor : 01 post in Industrial Development Department
How to Apply : Apply Online at Uttarakhand PSC website from 07/02/2015 to 23/02/2015.
Kindly visit http://ukpsc.gov.in/recruitment/view/331  for detailed information for all the details of examination like syllabus etc. and online submission of application.

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