Anesthetist, Lecturer In National Institute of Unani Medicine
National Institute of Unani Medicine
Address: Kottige Palya, Magadi Main Road
Postal Code: 560091
City: Bangalore
State: Karnataka
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600 – 39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/
Educational Requirements: MBBS with M.D in Anaesthesia. Enrolment in the MCI Register. Persons holding analogous posts in the Central Govt./State Govt./Hospitals/ Autonomous Institutions.
Details will be available at:
Pay Scale:Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400/-
Educational Requirements:Degree in Unani Medicine with 60% marks from a University established by Law
or Statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
or Statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
Other Qualification:Post Graduate qualification in Unani Medicine in the concerned discipline from a recognized University established by Law or Statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Interested and willing candidates may submit an advance copy of the application under intimation to their Cadre-Controlling Officer to avoid delay. The candidate appointed on Direct Recruitment Basis in the Institute shall be governed by New Pension Scheme of the Govt. presently inforce. Age relaxation for SC / ST and OBC/PH category candidates shall be applicable as per Government of India orders. SC/ ST/ OBC candidates have to submit their Caste Certificate only in the proforma given at Anexure-II/III only, duly signed by the competent authority. Failure to enclose such certificate in the proforma prescribed they shall be consider as general candidate. Candidates applying for more than one post should send separate applications for each post. Incomplete applications and those received after the due date and also such of the applications which are not supported with copies of certificates and testimonials are liable to be rejected summarily. Applications, complete in all respects along with photo copy of (a) Date of Birth Certificate. (b) Caste Certificate (SC/ST, OBC). (c) S.S.L.C/Intermediate/Diploma/Degree/BUMS/MBBS marks sheet for all the years. (d) Marks sheet of M.D of all the years. (e) Experience Certificate if any (if it is from a private college, the same should be got counter signed from the Registrar of concerned University, failure to which the application will be rejected summarily). (f) Enrolment on the central Register of CCIM or State Register of ISM/ in the MCI Register. (g) List of articles published if any, only in the following format (not to enclose full article/ book/journal etc).may be sent to The Director, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottige Palya, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore 560 091 superscribing on the cover of application for the post of ……………………… Last date for receipt of duly completed application form is 19.04.2015. Applications received after 19.04.2015 due to any reason shall be summarily rejected.
General Instructions: Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualification and experience shall not vest any right to candidate for being called for interview. The Institute reserves the right to call for interview only those candidates, who in its opinion, are found to be eligible. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The Institute reserves the right of short listing the eligible candidates to restrict the number of candidates appearing for written test & interview before the Selection Committee. The candidates are required to see the website of the Institute for further time to time information. The Institute reserves the right to cancel or modify this notification without assigning any reason. The Number of vacancies indicated is provisional and may vary at the time of interview. Applicants should write clearly the Name of the Post and the Method of Recruitment i.e. Deputation / Direct / Contract Basis on the Envelope in Bold letters. For attending the interview no TA/DA shall be paid by the institute. In case of appointment of retired persons their salary shall be regulated as per Govt.of India Rules issued from time to time. Candidates appointed on contract basis shall not have any right for permanent employment. Canvassing in any form shall attract disqualification.
Last Date: 19.04.2015
Age Limit: 50 Years
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