Assistant District Attorney, Associate Professor (Forensic Medicine) In HPPSC
Assistant District Attorney
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
Address: Nigam Vihar, Chotta Shimla
Postal Code: 171002
City: Shimla
State: Himachal Pradesh
Pay Scale: Rs. 10300 - 34800 + Rs. 4400/- (G.P.)
Educational Requirements: Professional degree in Law from a recognized University or its equivalent
Experience Requirements: At least two years experience as an advocate. The candidate is required to produce experience certificate duly signed by the President, District Bar Association concerned/ Bar Council.
Desired Skills: Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Details will be available at:
Associate Professor (Forensic Medicine)
Pay Scale:Rs. 37400-67000/- Rs. 8900/- (Grade Pay) + Rs. 400/- (Special Pay)
Educational Requirements:A recognized medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part-II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act-1956. Holders of educational qualification(s) included in part-II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in subsection (3) of section-13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
Other Qualification:A Post-graduate degree in the concerned specialty as mentioned in Part-A of Annexure-II or its equivalent qualifications.
Experience Requirements:At least five years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned speciality failing which an Assistant Professor having 6 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor and Lecturer combined in the concerned specialty after Post Graduation. However, in all cases, the incumbent should possess at least five years teaching experience after Post Graduation in the concerned specialty.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Applications are available on the above mentioned website. a) Desirous/ eligible candidates must have to apply online through official website of the Commission Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected. b) Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post and pay the fee for each post in the prescribed manner. c) After submitting the Online Recruitment Application(s) (ORA), the candidates are required to take a printout of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application and submit the same along with requisite attested documents / certificates in support of their eligibility to the Commission on the day of Screening Test for the concerned post. d) In case the candidate has applied against more than one item i.e. post published in the advertisement, the candidate is required to submit separate copies of requisite attested documents/ certificates along with the Printout of the Online Recruitment Application of each post on the day of Screening Test for the respective posts.
General Instructions: In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for interviews by subjecting them to a screening test (objective-type / descriptive) of two hours duration. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/her performance in the viva-voce test/ interview, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in interview are 45 for the candidates of general category and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories. Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the screening test, before the interview board, a candidate scoring more marks in the interview shall be placed above the candidates scoring lesser marks in the interview. If the candidates will score equal marks in an interview, then a candidate securing more marks in the screening test will be placed above the candidate securing lesser marks in the screening test. In case the marks of screening test are equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. Where selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the interview board, a candidate scoring more marks in the interview shall be placed above the candidates scoring lesser marks in the interview. If the candidates will score 18 equal marks in an interview, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. The key of each screening test (objective type) will be uploaded on the website after freezing the answer sheets of the candidates for calling objections from the candidates. Seven days’ time shall be given for inviting objections, if any, in the key. The objections will be got verified from the concerned subject expert and, if found correct, a revised key of that screening test shall be uploaded on the website. For more information of candidates, Rules of Business of H.P. Public Service Commission pertaining to selection procedure etc. is available on the website of the Commission, i.e. The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the interview will be determined on the basis of original documents produced on the day of interview and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the appointing authority. As such, admission to the screening test/examination/ interview shall be purely provisional. The summoning of the candidate(s) for viva-voce test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by the Government of H.P. (in the concerned Department). If any visually impaired candidate requires scribes, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission immediately after receipt of his / her roll number. Such applications will be entertained on merit and as per the rules. Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination/ Screening Tests will not be allowed in any case. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
Last Date: 10th April, 2015 till 11:59 P.M
Age Limit: 35 Years
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