Associate Professor (Law, Public Administration) In Assam Administrative Staff College
Associate Professor (Law)
Assam Administrative Staff College
Address: Beltola Bazaar Road, Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati
Postal Code: 781022
City: Guwahati
State: Assam
Pay Scale: In the rank and pay of Associate Professor of a College or University in the pay band of Rs 37,400/- to Rs 67,000/- per month with a grade pay of Rs 9,000 per month as per UGC guidelines.
Educational Requirements: The position will be filled up on deputation from among serving teachers of Law from a recognized University, College, Governmentaided Educational Institution and Institutes affiliated to a recognized university in the rank and pay of Associate Professor. OR On contract basis by a person with a post-graduate degree from a recognized University in Law. Preference will be given in such cases to candidates with a Ph.D degree. Retired persons below the age of 64 years with the above qualifications may also apply.
Qualifications: Preference shall be given to persons having the following : 1. Involvement in training- related activities. 2. Expertise and experience of acting as Guest Faculty/Resource Persons in the area of Law in premier training institutes and organizations within the state of Assam and the country. 3. Individual Papers on the concerned subject or related areas published in reputed newspapers and Journals. 4. Dissertations and Presentations presented in major State-Level and National –Level Conferences/Meetings /Seminars. 5. Author or co-author of books published by reputed Publishing Houses.
Experience Requirements: The candidate should have at least 15 years experience in direct teaching in the related field.
Details will be available at:
Associate Professor (Public Administration)
Pay Scale:In the rank and pay of Associate Professor of a College or University in the pay band of Rs 37,400/- to Rs 67,000/- per month with a grade pay of Rs 9,000 per month as per UGC guidelines.
Educational Requirements:The position will be filled up on deputation from among serving teachers of Public Administration/ Political Science from a recognized University, College, Governmentaided Educational Institution and Institutes affiliated to a recognized university in the rank and pay of Associate Professor. OR On contract basis by a person with a post-graduate degree from a recognized University in Public Administration/ Political Science. Preference will be given in such cases to candidates with a Ph.D degree. Retired persons below the age of 64 years with the above qualifications may also apply.
Other Qualification:Preference shall be given to persons having the following : 1. Involvement in training related activities. 2. Expertise and experience of acting as Guest Faculty/Resource Persons in the area of Public Administration in premier training institutes and organizations within the state of Assam and the country. 3. Individual Papers on the concerned subject or related areas published in reputed newspapers and Journals. 4. Dissertations and Presentations presented in major State-Level and National –Level Conferences/Meetings/Seminars. 5. Author or co-author of books published by reputed Publishing Houses.
Experience Requirements:The candidate should have at least 15 years experience in direct teaching in the related field.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 01/01
How To Apply: Applications in plain paper indicating name, date of birth, present and permanent address, email ID and contact number(s), office address, present post held, name of the organization, educational qualifications with photo copies of certificates, experience and nature of work done with certificates may be addressed to “Director, Assam Administrative Staff College Society, Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, and Guwahati-781022”
Last Date: April 18, 2015
Age Limit: Below 64 years
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