Associate Professor, Professor In Indian Institute of Technology - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Associate Professor, Professor In Indian Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Associate Professor

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Address: Powai
Postal Code: 400076
City: Mumbai
State: Maharashtra
Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.9,500/- p.m.
Educational Requirements: Ph.D. with First class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceeding degree and a good academic record throughout.
Experience Requirements: A minimum of six years teaching/research/professional experience of which 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, Senior Scientific Officer/Senior Design Engineer in a research organization or industry as on the date of application. The candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in terms of guidance of M.Tech. and Ph.D. students, publications in reputed journals and conferences, patents, laboratory/course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.


Pay Scale:Rs.37400-67000 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10,500/- p.m.
Educational Requirements:Ph.D. with First class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceeding
degree and a good academic record throughout.
Experience Requirements:A minimum of ten years teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in a research organization or industry as on the date of application. The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area of specialization in terms of guidance of Ph.D. students, strong record of publications in reputed journals and conferences, patents, laboratory/course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

No of Post: 01
How To Apply: The information sheet containing full details of the areas of specialization in which faculty are required and application form is available on the institute’s website http://www.iitb.ac.in > Faculty Recruitment. The application must be complete with full details of educational qualifications including year of obtaining Ph.D., list of publications (with reprints of the best papers), teaching/ research/industrial experience, date of birth alongwith the names and contact details of three referees. The application may be sent to Registrar, IIT Bombay.
General Instructions: 1. Separate applications must be sent if a candidate is applying for a faculty position in more than one Department/Centre/School etc.. 2. Mere fulfillment of the qualifications and experience requirement laid down does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. 3. Candidates belonging to SC/ST communities, persons with Physical disabilities and also women candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Also, no fee is applicable to candidates applying from abroad. Candidates other than those mentioned above, must send a Demand Draft for Rs.100/- drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Mumbai, in favour of Registrar, IIT Bombay along with the application. 4. Persons employed in Government/Semi-Government Organisation or Educational Institutions must apply through proper channel. 5. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts advertised.

Last Date: This is a rolling advertisement. There is no last date.

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