Contract Job posts in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Metro - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Contract Job posts in Gandhinagar Ahmedabad Metro

Metro - Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad  Company Limited (MEGA) 
(A Government of Gujarat Undertaking)   
5th Floor, Nirman Bhavan, Opposite Gate No. 4, New Sachivalaya,  CH Road, Sector 10/A, Gandhinagar - 382010, Gujarat.

MEGA invites applications from experienced and qualified engineers for the following posts on contract  basis in MEGA :

  1. Deputy General Manager (Construction) – No. of post 1
  2. Assistant General Manager (QA & QC) – No. of post 1
  3. Assistant General Manager (Architect) - No. of post 1
  4. Manager (Civil) - No. of posts 5
  5. Deputy Manager (Civil) – No. of posts 5
  6. Assistant Manager (Civil) – No. of posts 5
  7. Engineer (Civil) – No. of posts  5
  8. Deputy Manager (Electrical - Traction) – No. of posts 1
  9. Deputy Manager (Electrical – E & M) – No. of posts 1
  10. Deputy Manager (Electrical – Signaling) – No. of posts 1
  11. Assistant Manager (Electrical - Traction) – No. of posts 1
  12. Assistant Manager (Electrical – Signaling) – No. of posts 1
  13. Assistant Manager (Telecom) – No. of posts 1
How to Apply : Application  in the prescribed format should be send to hr@gujaratmetrorail.com on or before15/04/2015.   

For further details and application form, please visithttp://www.gujaratmetrorail.com/career.html 

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