Engineer (Personnel & Administration, Finance & Accounts) In Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited
Engineer (Personnel & Administration)
Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL)
Address: Corporate Office, Namrup, P.O. Parbatpur
Postal Code: 786623
City: Dibrugarh
State: Assam
Pay Scale: Rs.8600-250-14600/-(Pre-revised)
Educational Requirements: Two year full time P.G. degree or diploma in PM&IR/HRM/ Labour & Social Works/ MBA with specialisation in PM &IR /HRM.
Details will be available at:
Engineer (Finance & Accounts)
Pay Scale:Rs. 8600-250-14600/-(Pre-revised).
Educational Requirements:Candidate should successfully pass CA/ICWA (Final) from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Other Qualification:Graduate with CA/ICWA
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: The candidate should send the hard copy of the filled in application form (registration slip) generated online alongwith all the relevant documents as mentioned above superscribing on the envelope “Application for the post ____________ “ (name of the post) in capital letters, so as to reach the HOD (Personnel), BVFC Limited, Namrup, PO: Parbatpur, Dist: Dibrugarh ( Assam), PIN- 786623 by post on or before 08.05.2015
General Instructions: 1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. 2. All qualifications should be recognized by UGC/AIU/AICTE / appropriate Indian statutory authority. 3. Only full time regular courses will be considered. 4. No manual or paper applications will be entertained. 5. No TA will be paid to any candidate for appea ring in the written examination. 6. Final verification of applications will be done on declaration of the result of the written test hence the candidature will be subject to fulfillment of all the criteria mentioned in the advertisement. In case of non-fulfillment of eligibility criteria, or any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his / her candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or after joining. 7. No modifications are allowed after submission of the online application form. If any tampering is done with the PDF application sheet generated and if any discrepancies are found between the online data filled by the candidate and the application sheets submitted, the application will be rejected. 8. Candidature is also liable to be rejected if the hard copy of the on-line generated filled in application form along with the relevant enclosures is not received, received unsigned, received without attested photo, not received through proper channel (in case of Govt. /PSU employed personnel) or received after the last date of receipt of application. 9. Candidates employed with Government departments / PSUs / Autonomous bodies have to produce NOC at the time of interview. If such candidates cannot provide the NOC, they will not be allowed to appear for the interview. 10. BVFCL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies and cancel / restrict / modify / alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. 11. Any modifications / amendments in the advertisement wil l be given in BVFCL website i.e. ( only. 12. All correspondences regarding examination schedule/admit card/ interview call letters , etc. shall be done through email/uploading on BVFCL website. Responsib ility of receiving, downloading and printing of admit card/interview call/ any other information shall be of the candidate. BVFCL will not be responsible for any loss of email sent, due to invalid/wrong email ID provided by the candidate or for delay/not r eceipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her mail/website on time. 13. The candidates will be allowed to appear in the Written Test only if they possess the valid Photo Admit Card downloaded from the BVFCL website.
Last date of submission of the online application by the candidate: 17.04.2015
Last date for receipt of the hard copy of the application sheet: 08.05.2015
Age Limit: 30 Years
Contact Details: FAX- 0374 2500317: e-mail:
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