Interview For Senior Residents At ESIC - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Interview For Senior Residents At ESIC

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) logo

Senior Residents

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

Address: ESIC Medical College, Rajajinagar, Bangalore
Postal Code: 560 010
City: Bengaluru
State: Karnataka
Pay Scale: The Senior Residents will be paid in the pay band PB-3 of Rs. 15,600- 39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6,600/- plus other allowances applicable under Govt. Of India. (Gross Rs. 65,594/- plus allowances as admissible)
Qualifications: PG Degree/Diploma in concerned Speciality, Postdoctoral (MD/MCH) from a recognized university and registered with Medical Council of India/State Medical Council.
No of Post: 11
How To Apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the above conditions should report for interview with a copy of their bio-data, photocopy and original certificates and testimonials, other related material i.e. reports, documents, articles, etc., if any.
Date & Time of Interview: 15/04/2015
Venue: 6th Floor, Dean Office, ESIC Medical College, Rajajinagar, Bangalore – 560010.
Age Limit: The age shall not exceed 33 year in case of Post graduates and 35 years in case of Post Doctoral degree holders as on date of walk-ininterview.

Terms & Conditions: 1) Rule of Reservation will be implemented as per Govt. of India instructions.
2) The appointment shall not confer any right or preference for regular appointment.
3) In case regular candidates join, the appointment shall be terminated as per the conditions of the contract.
4) No claim for any service benefit like, PF, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Allowance, Seniority, Promotion and Leave will be admissible.
5) Candidates must be registered with Katakana Medical Council or MCI before joining the post.

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