Office Assistant, Personal Assistant In Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Office Assistant, Personal Assistant In Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

Office Assistant

ESSO-Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

Postal Code: 500090
City: Hyderabad
State: Telangana
Pay Scale: Consolidated monthly emoluments Rs. 31,995/-
Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University, basic knowledge of computers and minimum 6/10 years experience in Establishment, Personnel & General Administration / Finance & Accounts / Stores & Purchase in Govt. / PSU / Autonomous Bodies in PB-1 + GP Rs.2800/- / Rs.2400/- respectively
Qualifications: Bachelors Degree with First Class (60% of marks) from a recognized university, basic knowledge of computers and 6 years of experience in Establishment, Personnel & General Administration / Finance & Accounts / Stores & Purchase, etc.
Experience Requirements: A first class (minimum of 60% of marks) in the qualifying degree

Personal Assistant (Coordinator-III)

Pay Scale:Consolidated monthly emoluments Rs. 31,995/-
Educational Requirements:Bachelors degree in Science or Arts or its equivalent from a recognized university
Other Qualification: A first class (minimum of 60% of marks) in the qualifying degree, working knowledge as Personnel assistant, projects file management, working knowledge in computers, especially with Office software, SAP environment, etc. 35 yrs Type writing in english with a speed of 40 w.p.m. with respective certificate from State Technical Education Board or any recognized institutes.
Skill Test:Skill Test: Dictation in Shorthand: 10 minutes @ 120 w.p.m. and Transcription: 50 minutes (English) on computer with respective certificates from State Technical Education Board or any recognized institutes.

No of Post: 01
How To Apply: To apply, the applicant must fill the Online Application Form available at ESSO-INCOIS Website http://www.incois.gov.in/portal/temporary.jsp and upload the scanned documents in the online application form at the respective fields. The candidates are not required to send any hard copies to the undersigned.  Applicants are requested to carefully go through the full text of the advertisement and the instructions in particular. The advertisement and the online application forms are available at www.incois.gov.in under ‘Vacancies’.  In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form (not for other queries), please email to vacancies@incois.gov.in
General Instructions: Applications should be submitted online in the prescribed format. Applications that are not submitted in the prescribed format will not be considered.  The candidate’s age should not exceed the age limit mentioned above as on date of closure of application i.e. March 27, 2015. However, in case of SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates, relaxation in age limit is allowed as per Govt. of India rules and relaxable for Government servants up to five years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government. The Secretary, MoES / Chairman, ESSO-INCOIS Governing Council may relax the upper age limit for all categories of posts in case of highly experienced candidates in specialized scientific areas.  Experience will be counted from the date of acquiring the essential academic qualifications. The experience, relevant to the requirement of job or research or teaching will only be considered towards the total period of experience.  All positions involve 24 X 7 operations and hence selected candidates are required to work in shift duties (also during holidays, including Saturday and Sundays), if assigned, and also to participate in various field programmes on board research vessels, boats, etc or any other works assigned to him/her from time-to-time by Director, ESSO-INCOIS / Group Head / Scientist In-charge. The selected candidate for temporary positions have to submit a medical insurance policy for a minimum value of Rs.2.50 lakhs at the time of joining which should be valid for the tenure at INCOIS  The broad responsibilities of the selected candidates from Scientific / technical fields will be collection of oceanography data through various platforms, data processing, analyzing and dissemination of the data, modeling, quality control and analysis of data, spectrum analysis, operationalization and automation of high resolution models, development of user specific operational oceanographic products, digitization of historical data, archiving, retrieving and maintenance of the heterogeneous oceanographic/atmospheric data collection platforms and communication systems. Also includes interaction with various user community including research and academia, carry out various R&D projects as per the mandate of the organisation and as assigned by Director, ESSOINCOIS INCOIS / Group Head / Scientist In-charge.  The broad responsibilities for the selected candidates from the fields of administration / supporting services will include assisting Director, ESSO-INCOIS INCOIS / Group Head / Scientist-in-charge on the activities relating to the group such as secretarial assistance, administrative assistance, file management, coordination and any other work as assigned by the reporting authority / group heads. To take down notes at meetings and to prepare meeting reports and assist in any or more areas of Establishment, Personnel & General Administration / Finance & Accounts / Stores & Purchase, etc.  Candidates who are already employed in government/public sector/autonomous undertakings are required to forward their applications through proper channel. However, they may send advance copies and Candidates, who are working on contractual basis, have to submit No Objection Certificate from present employer at the time of interview, without which they will not be eligible for Written Test/ Interview.  Director, ESSO-INCOIS reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof or vary the number of posts to be filled under each category.  The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum requirements and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test/interview. If the number of applications, received in response to advertisement, are large, it will not be convenient or possible to call all candidates for written test/interview. Hence, ESSO-INCOIS may restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test/interview to a reasonable limit based on desirable qualifications and/or on the record of academic performance and/or relevant experience for the post, and/or any other benchmark decided by a committee constituted to screen the applications. No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for written test/interview/selected for appointment. The names of candidates short-listed for written test/interview will be displayed at http://www.incois.gov.in/portal/temporary.jsp  Selection Procedure: The candidates will be screened based on the desirable qualifications and/or on the record of academic performance and/or relevant experience for the post, and/or any other benchmark decided by a committee constituted to screen the applications. The candidates screened-in will be called for a “Written Test” at INCOIS, Hyderabad on the day or day before the date of interview. The successful candidates in the “Written Test” will be called for Interview for final selection. Skill tests (Shorthand, Transcription and Type Writing (on Computer)) will be conducted for the candidates applied against the postcodes R01, P05 and P06. Those who pass the skill test only will be called for Interview.  Travel and Stay: All the candidates may need to plan for a stay of two days; day 1 for “Written Test” and Day 2 for “Interview”. The outstation candidates called for “Written Test” will be paid to-and-fro second-class rail fare by the shortest route. The candidates need to make their own arrangements for stay in Hyderabad. INCOIS will not be responsible for any other arrangements.  Application Procedure: The entire application procedure is made online. Copies of certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth, disability (OH, Ph,), caste (SC / ST / OBC), experience, no objection certificates, digital signatures, etc. should be uploaded during the online application process. All the uploads should be in .jpg format with the file size less than 100 kb for photograph and signature; less than 300 kb for all educational, caste and experience certificates. Hence, candidates are advised to be ready with all individual scanned documents of their certificates of educational & professional qualifications, marks memos, reservation certificate, if applicable, proof of date of birth, experience certificates, no objection certificates, digital signature, etc. before starting the online application. Candidates must produce the original certificates while appearing for written test or as and when required. Applications submitted without the scanned copies of the certificates will be rejected. Any discrepancies found in the certificates or uploading of wrong certificates will attract the disqualification of applications. Non-production of the original certificates will also make the candidate disqualified. The disqualified candidates will not be allowed for Written Test / Interview and no travel reimbursement will be made to such candidates. Production of the original certificates is must. Candidates currently working in any other organisation need to provide the proof of their current employment with a service certificate from the employer / latest pay slip, etc. Appointment orders will not be considered as proof of current employment.  Incomplete applications in any respect are liable to be rejected summarily. No representation against such rejection will be entertained.  Applicants can apply for more than one post through separate applications to be submitted online along with the necessary supporting scanned documents.  Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.  Initial Place of Posting: Hyderabad or anywhere in India
Last Date: March 27, 2015
Age Limit: 35 Years

Contact Details: Email: vacancies@incois.gov.in

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