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Power Grid Executive Trainee Law Posts March 2015

Power Grid jobs at http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com

(A Government of India Enterprise)
Corp. Office: "Saudamini", Plot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon - 1

 Recruitment of Executive Trainee (Law) through CLAT 2015

Power Grid is looking for Bright, Committed and Energetic Law Graduates to join its fold as Executive Trainee (Law) through CLAT 2015 :
  • Executive Trainee (Law) : 10 posts (UR-5, OBC-4, SC-1),  Pay Scale : Rs. 24900-50500, Age : 28 years as on 31/12/2014. 
CLAT : Interested & eligible candidates will have to appear for Common Law Admission Test
- CLAT 2015applicable for admission into LLM Courses.  Online Registration for CLAT 2015
shall close on 31st March 2015. For details on CLAT 2015, please visit http://clat.ac.in.

Apply Online : Candidates will be required to apply Online through Power Grid Website from 01/05/2015 to 22/05/2015only.  

Please visithttp://www.powergridindia.com/_layouts/PowerGrid/User/ContentPage.aspx?PId=166&LangID=English for more information

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