Recruitment Of Junior Residents / Tutor, Senior Residents In ESIC - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Recruitment Of Junior Residents / Tutor, Senior Residents In ESIC

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) logo

Junior Residents / Tutor

Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

Address: ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR Model Hospital, Ashok Pillar Road, KK Nagar, Chennai
Postal Code: 600 078
City: Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu
Pay Scale: Initial Pay Rs15600/- plus Grade Pay-Rs.5400/- in the PB 3 – (15600-39100) as per CCS (Revised) Pay Rules 2008. In addition NPA/ DA (as revised from time to time) HRA & TA as are applicable to similar Medical Officers under Govt. of India is payable.Emolument works out to Rs.68837/- per month. (Medical Degree Holders only are eligible for NPA)
Qualifications: 1.Orthopedics , Pulmonology, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Psychiatry, General Surgery, ENT & Opthalmology – MBBS Degree from MCI Recognized Medical College. 2. Biochemistry - MBBS Degree from MCI recognized Medical College 3. Microbiology - MBBS Degree from MCI recognized Medical College/ M.Sc in medical Microbiology from recognized colleges. 4. Should have registered with MCI or State Medical Council.

Senior Residents

Pay Scale:Initial Pay Rs18750/- plus Grade Pay-Rs.6600/- in the PB 3 – (15600-39100) as per CCS (Revised) Pay Rules 2008. In addition, NPA, DA (as revised from time to time) HRA & TA as are applicable to similar Medical Officers under Govt. of India is payable. Emolument works out to Rs.81724/- per month.
Educational Requirements:MBBS from a recognized Medical Institution.
Other Qualification:1. Qualifications and Experience as per Teachers Eligibility Criteria available in MCI website.
I) MD/MS/ MDS in the concerned specialty from MCI recognized Medical Colleges.
II) Diploma in the concerned specialty from MCI recognized Medical Colleges with one year teaching experience.
III) a) DNB in the concerned specialty from MCI recognized Medical Colleges.
b) DNB in the concerned specialty from Centers other than MCI recognized Medical Colleges/Central Institutes should have worked as JR for three years in the concerned specialty after DNB qualification in a MCI recognized Medical Institution.
2.For General Medicine ( ICU) (ICCU) – MD (General Medicine)/MD (TB & Chest Medicine)/MD (Anesthesia) or Dip. NB in (Medicine/Chest Medicine/Anesthesia.
3. Should have registered with MCI or State Medical Council

No of Post: 21/07
How To Apply: Candidates are requested to bring their original certificates in evidence of Age proof (date of birth), educational qualification, medical council registration of the State/MCI, experience certificates and certificate belonging to Reserved community (as applicable) along with one set of self attested Xerox copies with 2 passport size recent colour photographs for appearing in the walk-in-interview without fail.
Date & Time of Interview: 08.04.2015/09.04.2015 at 10.00 A.M
Venue: ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR Model Hospital, Ashok Pillar Road, KK Nagar, Chennai

Upper Age Limit: 30/35 Years

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