Research Associate (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology) In CIAB - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Research Associate (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology) In CIAB


Research Associate (Chemical Engineering)

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB)

Address: C-127, 2nd Floor, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, S.A.S. Nagar
Postal Code: 160071
City: Mohali
State: Punjab
Pay Scale: Rs. 36000/- + HRA
Educational Requirements: Ph.D in Chemical Engineering / Biochemical Engineering or having 3 years of research, teaching and design & development experience after M.Tech (Chemical Engineering / Biochemical Engineering)
Qualifications: At least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) journal.
Details will be available at: 

Research Associate (Biotechnology)

Pay Scale:Rs. 36000/- + HRA
Educational Requirements:Ph.D in Biotechnology or having 3 years of research, teaching and design & development experience after M.Tech (Biotechnology)
Other Qualification:At least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) journal.
Details will be available at: http://ciab.res.in/vacancies/Advert%20jrf.pdf

No of Post: 01, 01
How To Apply: The applications must be submitted in the prescribed format which is available at the Institute’s website under heading “Vacancies” accompanied by attested copies of certificates, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, etc. should be sent to the Administrative Officer, Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, 2nd Floor, C-127, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160071 (India) super-scribing “APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY POSITION OF “_____________” on the envelope, so as to reach on or before 06-04-2015. • Completed applications must reach at the address: Chief Executive Officer (Attn: Administrative Officer), Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), C-127 (2nd Floor), Phase-8, Industrial Area, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali-160071, Punjab, by 06-04-2015. The applications received after the last date due to postal or any delay will not be considered. • Candidates applying for more than one positions will have to submit separate application form for each position. • The above posts are purely on temporary basis and none of the position holds right to permanency. • Canvassing in any form or bringing influence, political or otherwise, will lead to disqualification of the candidate. • The decision of CIAB in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, and conduct of interviews etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. • In exceptionally meritorious cases or special circumstances, the eligibility requirements of age, education and experience for a position may be relaxed by the competent authority (Chief Executive Officer, CIAB). • The applications would be received only during normal working hours and only on working days (i.e. Monday to Friday and between 0900 hrs. to 1730 hrs.). • If the last date of receipt of applications happens to be a holiday, the immediate next working day would be the last date of receipt of applications. • Changes in the General Conditions / Information, last date etc., if any, will be available in the institute’s website: www.ciab.res.in.
Selection Process: 1. The applications received against the advertised positions would be screened by a Screening-cum-Shortlisting Committee constituted for the purpose. 2. The candidates from amongst the eligible candidates may be short-listed by the Screening-cum-Shortlisting Committee on the basis of qualifications, duration, nature and quality of experience etc. 3. If required a written test or other professional test(s) may be conducted by the institute for assessing the capability/intellect and/or professional competence and/or comparative evaluation for pre-screening before interview. 4. The Screening-cum-Selection Committee would make a decision as to the number of candidates to be recommended for calling for interview with respect to each position. 5. The short listed candidates would be called to appear for an interview before a Selection Committee for the final selection. 6. In the event of none of the interviewed candidates is found suitable for the position(s), the positions(s) would not be filled. 7. Mere fulfilment of essential qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview and CIAB reserves the right to devise criteria to screen the applications for short-listing of candidates for interview and the decision of the CEO, CIAB shall be final and binding on all applicants.
General Instructions: 1. All applicants must fulfil the essential requirements of the position and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various positions. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. 2. The date for determining the age, experience, qualifications etc. shall be the last date of receiving applications at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB). 3. Relaxation of age shall be as per Government of India Rules. However, Competent Authority may also further relax the upper age limit for exceptionally deserving candidates. 4. In case, first division is not indicated in the mark-sheet or degree by the University/Institute, 60% marks or equivalent CGPA (6.76 / in case of Ten Point Scale OR 3.95 / in case of Seven Point Scale) would be considered as first division as per AICTE (F.No.37-3/Legal/2010 dated January 22, 2010 and UGC (F. No. 3-1/2009 dated June 28, 2010) guidelines. 5. Application must be complete in all respects and as per the prescribed format that can be downloaded from website of Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (www.ciab.res.in) under the heading “Vacancies”. The applications not in the prescribed format may be rejected. 6. All applications must be accompanied by attested copies of all certificates with respect to age, qualifications, experience, etc. 7. All Ambiguous/Inaccurate/Incomplete or insufficient information including about qualifications, experience, pay/emoluments, duration etc. may also lead to cancellation of application at any stage of the process / after appointment. 8. The above positions are open only to Indian Nationals. 9. NET Qualification for the above mentioned positions (wherever applicable) shall include CSIR-NET, other National Level Examinations conducted by DBT, DST, DAE, ICMR etc. (as per DST Guidelines). 10.In case of insufficient response to this advertisement in terms of number of eligible applicants against any position, the applications received against said position(s) may not at all be processed further. No any intimation etc. would be given to the applicants nor would such queries be entertained. 11.In case, the Selection committee finds nobody suitable among those interviewed, the position would not be filled in this recruitment exercise. 12.One or more or all of the positions advertised herein may not be filled at all or in this instance, depending upon the institute’s priorities, and the process of selection may be terminated at any time and with no specification of likely chance, date or statement of its resumption as a fresh round of exercise. 13.The institute would have the sole discretion whether to make a recruitment on a position or not at any stage.14.The institute has full rights to vary the number of positions in each case. 15.Interim enquiries would not be attended. 16.Bringing in any influence in the recruitment process would lead to disqualification of the candidature(s).
Last Date: 06-04-2015.
Age Limit: 35 Years

Contact Details: Tel: 0172-4990232, Fax: 0172-4990204

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