Sarkari Naukri For Assistant Mineral Economist (Intelligence) In UPSC - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Sarkari Naukri For Assistant Mineral Economist (Intelligence) In UPSC

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Assistant Mineral Economist (Intelligence)

Union Public Service Commission

Address: UPSC, Man Singh Road Area, New Delhi
City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600-39,100 ( PB-3) plus Rs. 5400 (Grade Pay) (DA) 107 percent , (Total emoluments excluding T.A. and HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 44470/- p.m. plus DA as applicable approximately)
Educational Requirements: Master’s Degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Economics or Degree in Mining Engineering from a recognised University or equivalent.
Qualifications: (i) Master’s Degree in Mining Engineering/Doctorate Degree in Applied Geology/ Geology/ Mineralogy/ Economics preferably in Mineral Economics from a recognised university or equivalent.(ii) Degree in Statistics. (iii) Working knowledge of computers with special emphasis on commonly used software in office.
Experience Requirements: Three years experience in resources appraisal, market survey and investigation of economic aspect of mineral resources and production and utilization of minerals.
No of Post: 03
How To Apply: Interested candidates may submit their application online. The last date for filling up the applications is 16-04-2015
Last Date: 16-04-2015

General Information: Not exceeding 38 years for Other Backward Classes and not exceeding 40 years for Scheduled Tribes candidates as on normal closing date in respect of the vacancies reserved for them. Relaxable for regularly appointed Central/U.T. Government Servant upto Five years as per instructions/orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.

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