Sr.Dy.General Manager (Personnel) In MOIL Limited - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Sr.Dy.General Manager (Personnel) In MOIL Limited


Sr.Dy.General Manager (Personnel)

MOIL Limited (formerly Manganese Ore India Limited)

Address: MOIL Bhawan, 1-A Katol Road, Nagpur
Postal Code: 440 013
City: Nagpur
State: Maharashtra
Pay Scale: Rs.36600-62000/- (E-06)
Educational Requirements: 1. Post Graduate Degree in Social Work with specialization in Labour Welfare, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations OR 2. Post Graduate Degree/Diploma (2 yrs. duration) in IR & PM/MLS from the recognized University/InstitutionOR 3. MBA with specialization in Personnel Management/ HR/ HRD from recognized University/Institution 4. Preference will be given to Law Graduate.
Qualifications: Should have good knowledge of handling Industrial Disputes, Court & Conciliation cases, conducting negotiations with Trade Unions, conducting Departmental Enquiries evolving Personnel/Industrial Relations Policies, Welfare Schemes and all other related functions of HRD.
Experience Requirements: 20 yrs. Exp. in Personnel/Administra -tion Department in an Organization in a senior capacity of which 09 yrs. should be in Managerial line.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Desirous candidates may send their applications superscribing on the envelope `Application for the post of ‘, along with detailed bio-data (Bio-data form is attached here with this advertisement) and self attested copies of Certificates and testimonials along with Demand draft for Rs.500/- for the above post drawn in favour of MOIL Limited, Nagpur (Demand draft not required for SC, ST & PwD candidates) so as to reach at the Office of General Manager(Personnel), MOIL Limited, MOIL Bhawan, 1-A, Katol Road, Nagpur- 440013, by 27.04.2015.
Last Date: 27.04.2015

Age Limit: Below 50 years

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