Various Job posts by UP PSC March-2015 - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Various Job posts by UP PSC March-2015

UP PSC jobs at http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com

Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh(UP PSC)
10, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad-211018 (UP)

Online applications are invited by UP PSC for  following posts of various Officers for various department in UP Government  :

  1. Technical Assistant Gr.2 : 01 post in Government Food Technology Institute
  2. Inspector (Cookery) : 02 posts in Food Processing Department, UP 
  3. Lecturer : 03 posts in UP Jail Training School (Teaching Staff) Services 
  4. Research Officer : 09 posts in UP State Planning Commission (Planning Department) 
  5. Tracer : 03 posts in State Planning Institute UP 
  6. Research Assistant (Engineering) : 03 posts in State Planning Institute UP 
  7. Engineering Assistant (Engineering) : 02 posts in State Planning Institute UP 
  8. Assistant Statistical Officer : 373 posts in Economic and Statistical Division, State Planning Institute, UP 
  9. Senior Milk Inspector : 08 posts in Dairy Development Department, UP 
  10. Assistant Statistical Officer : 03 posts in Dairy Development Department, UP 
  11. Assistant Statistical Officer : 19 posts in State Planning Institute, UP 
  12. Assistant Statistical Officer : 16 posts in Industries Department, UP 
  13. Mines Inspector : 45 posts in UP Directorate of Geology and Mining Subordinate Technical Service 
  14. Professor Shalya Tantra : 02 posts in UP Chikitsa Shiksha (Ayurvedic) Department
  15. Professor Anatomy : 01 post in UP Chikitsa Shiksha (Homeopathic) Department 
  16. Lecturer (Engineering) : 89 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes 
  17. Lecturer (Engineering) : 36 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes 
  18. Lecturer Stenography : 01 post in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes
  19. Workshop Superintendent : 05 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes 
  20. Training and Placement Officer : 01 post in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes
  21. Research Officer : 01 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnic Institutes
  22. Assistant Statistical Officer : 02 posts in Transport Department, UP
  23. Lecturer : 376 posts in different specialities in Medical Education Department, UP (Allopathy)
  24. Publication Officer : 01 post in Tourism Department, UP 
  25. Workshop Instructor : 60 posts in Technical Education Department, UP
  26. Research Assistant / Technical Assistant (Civil engineering) : 01 post in UP Institute of Research Development and Training, Kanpur
  27. Lecturer : 117 posts in Shiksha Vibhag Uttar Pradesh (Men Branch)
  28. Lecturer : 217 posts in Shiksha Vibhag Uttar Pradesh (Women Branch) 
  29. Lecturer (Engineering Branch) : 113 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnics
  30. Lecturer (Non Engineering Branch) : 30 posts in Technical Education Department, UP for Govt. Polytechnics
  31. Assistant Statistical Officer : 02 posts in Sansthagat Vitt ewam Sarvhit Bima Nideshalaya
  32. Assistant Statistical Officer : 04 posts in Commercail Tax Department UP 
  33. Junior Engineers : 22 posts in UP Zila Panchayat 
  34. Lecturer : 22 posts in Social Welfare Department, UP
  35. Assistant Manager (Non-Technical) : 63 posts in Industries Department, UP
  36. Senior Technical Assistant : 02 posts in State Institute of Food Processing Technology, UP
How to Apply : Online Application in the prescribed  format should be submitted on or before 18/04/2015 only athttp://uppsc.up.nic.in/Notifications.aspx.  

Please visit http://uppsc.up.nic.in/Notifications.aspx for all the details, instructions, payment fee details  and online application submission etc. 

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