Walk In Interview For Junior Research Fellow At IWST - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Walk In Interview For Junior Research Fellow At IWST

Institute of Wood Science and Technology

Junior Research Fellow

Institute of Wood Science and Technology

Address: 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore
Postal Code: 560 003
City: Bangalore
State: Karnataka
Pay Scale: Rs.12,000/- per month + 30 % HRA
Educational Requirements: M.Sc with Wood Science and Technology / Chemistry / Bio Chemistry
Details will be available at: 
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Candidates who are willing for the above position should submit their application on plain paper along with Bio-data, Photocopies of the educational qualification and original certificates (for verification) at the time of interview.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Date & Time of Interview: 30-03-2015 at 11-00 AM
Venue: Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003
Upper Age Limit: 28 Years
General Information: A walk-in-interview will be held in Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003 on 30-03-2015 at 11-00 AM for the position of one Junior Research Fellow under ICFRE funded project entitled “Wood Modification of Melia composite for improving its dimensional stability and durability” purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. The engagement shall not be treated as regular employment of ICFRE/IWST.

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