Government Jobs For Instructor In Mazagon Dock Limited - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Government Jobs For Instructor In Mazagon Dock Limited

Mazagon Dock Limited

Instructor For Practical Training / Instructor For Theory Classes

Mazagon Dock Limited

Address: A.G.M. (ATS/MET), Gate No. 09, Alcock Yard , Mazagon Dock Ltd., Dockyard Road, Mumbai
Postal Code: 400010
City: Mumbai
State: Maharashtra
Pay Scale: a) Instructor for Practical Training: Selected Candidate will be paid remuneration of Rs. 1000 /- per working day for duty from 07:00 am to 04:30 pm. b)Instructor for Theory Classes (Related Instruction Classes): Selected Candidate will be paid remuneration of Rs. 800 /- per lecture of 2 Hours.
Educational Requirements: (i) Passed 10th Standard, (ii) Passed National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) Examination in related Trade with 5 years experience in Industry. Or Diploma in Engineering / Technology in appropriate branch with Three Years of Experience
Qualifications: Passed Instructor Training Course in the relevant Trade from any of the Advanced Training Institute for Instructors under the Directorate General of Employment & Training , Ministry of Labour & Employment Or Passed Advanced Training Course in the relevant Trade followed by Training in Principle of Teaching from any Regional Vocational Training Institute for women or National Vocational Training Institute for women under Directorate General of Employment & Training , Ministry of Labour & Employment
No of Post: 03/03
How To Apply: Dully Filled Application Form along with DD of Rs. 100 /- should be sent to AGM (ATS/MET), Gate No.09 , Alcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Limited, Dock Yard Road, Mumbai 400010 through Speed Post only within 15 working days from the date of advertisement in news papers. Application Form received through any other mode will not be entertained. Application received after the due date will not be considered.
Last Date: 09.04.2015

Age Limit: 25-65 Years

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