NITUK – Registrar Vacancy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand) - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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NITUK – Registrar Vacancy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)

NITUK – Registrar Vacancy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)

Registrar (Post Graduate) in National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand - NITUK Recruitment


Registrar (Post Graduate)

No of
Please check with the concern authority or website
National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand, Dehradun, Uttarakhand  246174
Masters' degree with at east 55% Marks or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7 point scale from a recognized University/lnstitute.
Rs. 1,44,200/-Per Month
Preferably below 56 year
Qualification in area of Management/Engineering/Law. ii) Experience in computerized administration/legal/financial/establishment matters.
Holding analogous post, or ii) At least 15 years’ experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.7000/- and above or with 8 years of service in the AGP of Rs.8000/- and above including as Associate Professor along with 3 years’ experience in educational administration, or iii) Comparable experience in research establishment and /or other institutions of higher education, or iv) 15 years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post in the GP of Rs.7600/- or above.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested candidates must apply ONLINE only through the Institute website https://www.nituk.ac.in. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily rejected. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application reference number, which should be used in any future communication. 2. The candidates are advised to download the same from Institute website and send hard copy of the downloaded PDF of the filled application form along with the self-attested copies of the relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures etc. by speed post/registered post/courier to: The Director, National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand, ITI Campus, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand-246174, India. 3. failing which their candidature will not be considered. Last date of online Application is 23.06.2020 upto 05:30 pm and last date for receiving the Hard Copy of the downloaded PDF of the filled application format alongwith selfattested copies of all documents is 30.06.2020 upto 05:30 pm. The envelope containing the application be super scribed as Application For The Post Of Registrar
The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must be fulfilling eligibility criteria as on the opening date of applications failing which their application will be rejected. The Institute will retain online applications data for all including non-shortlisted candidates for only three months after completion of recruitment process. 7.2 Hard copy of online application without relevant supporting enclosures may be out rightly rejected. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 7.3 Request for individual acknowledgements shall not be considered. Those who want acknowledgement may send their applications by Speed Post/Registered Post/Courier. 7.4 NIT Uttarakhand strives to have a workforce which also reflects gender balance and hence, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. 7.5 Candidates should indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/ profession who may be contacted by the Selection Committee for their recommendations. Shortlisted/Screened candidates will have to arrange recommendations from these references, to be sent directly to the Director, NIT Uttarakhand. 7.6 The Scrutiny Committee of the Institute has the right to set higher norms than minimum prescribed in the Advertisement. The decision of the Institute, related to all matters pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and a binding on the applicants. Any dispute arising during the document verification stage, will be dealt by the Selection Committee and the decision of the Selection Committee shall be final. 7.7 The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect i.e. qualifications, experience and preferred age limit etc. shall be considered as on 18/05/2020, i.e. the date of publication of the advertisement. 7.8 In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of offer of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to withdraw/cancel/modify any communication made to the candidates. 7.9 The Personal Interview shall be conducted at NITUK–Parent Campus, Srinagar (Garhwal). 7.10 No Travelling Allowance (TA) shall be paid to outstation candidates for attending selection process. 7.11 Mere fulfillment of eligibility criteria does not guarantee candidates being called for Personal Interview. The Institute reserves the right to restrict number of candidates to be called for Personal Interview by short-listing the applications on the basis of higher benchmark for short-listing criteria as may be decided by the Institute, including Personal Interview. 7.12 The applicant would be admitted to the Personal Interview on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are therefore advised to ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions before applying. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any other eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicant would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit card for the Personal Interview call will not confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all the eligibility conditions. 7.13 No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not considered for Personal Interview/Appointment. 7.14 Persons serving in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies/PSUs/PSBs should send their applications either THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL or should furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE alongwith Vigilance Clearance Certificate and statement showing Major or Minor penalties, if any imposed from the Competent Authority of the organization where they are serving, during the Personal Interview. They can, however, send advance copy of the online filled application form and mention the same on the first page of the application form. In case an advance copy of application is submitted and application through proper channel is not received, the shortlisted candidate will be allowed to appear for Personal Interview, if he/she brings a No Objection Certificate Advt. No.-03/2020 Date: 12/05/2020 Page 4 of 8 and Vigilance Clearance Certificate from his/her present employer. The decision of the selection committee, on this issue, shall be binding on the candidates. 7.15 The applicants applying on deputation basis are required to be sent attested copies of up to date ACRs/APARs for the last five years, Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and statement showing Major or Minor penalties, if any imposed from the Competent Authority alongwith duly filled in application form. The pay and conditions of deputation of the officer selected will be regulated in accordance with the Department of Personnel & Training OM No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17/06/2010, as amended from time to time and other instructions of the Central Govt. or Board of Governors of NIT Uttarakhand issued in this regard from time to time. 7.16 Original documents along with one set of self-attested copies will have to be produced at the time of Personal Interview for verification. 7.17 Request for conduct of Personal Interview through Video Conferencing or in any other mode will not be considered. However, Institute may consider the same depending upon the situation due to outbreak of COVID-19. 7.18 The applicants are advised to visit the Institute website www.nituk.ac.in regularly. Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the Institute website. Applicants/incumbents are requested to visit the Institute website regularly. The list of candidates shortlisted for further participation in the selection process such as Personal Interview etc. will be displayed on the Institute website. No separate communication/intimation in this regards shall be made by the Institute. 7.19 Any vigilance/disciplinary cases should not be pending/contemplated against the candidates working in the any Govt. Organizations. In such cases, application shall not be considered or scrutinized. 7.20 The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 7.21 Incomplete applications or applications without relevant supporting enclosures or applications not in prescribed form will be out rightly rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. 7.22 All related certificates, in original, proving the eligibility are mandatory to be produced during document verification. Without original certificates proving eligibility, candidature shall be out rightly rejected at the time of document verification. 7.23 The decision of the NIT Uttarakhand in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), selection and allotment of posts/organizations to selected candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry / correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 7.24 The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law. 7.25 In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information relevant to the appointment, he/she will be liable to be removed from the service and any action taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority. 7.26 Legal disputes, if any, with National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Nainital, Uttarakhand only. 7.27 Helpline e-mail ID for technical query related to online fee and form submission is help2020@nituk.ac.in and for any administrative query is nitukrecruitmentcell@gmail.com.
Official Website Document

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