SSC Central Police Organisation Exam 2020 Recruitment - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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SSC Central Police Organisation Exam 2020 Recruitment

The SSC conducts a national Level test called the CPO exam for recruiting candidates into the Central Police Organization. This article will help the candidates to know every detail related to the SSC CPO Exam such as eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, SSC CPO cut off, etc.

The SSC CPO stands for Staff Selection Commission Central Police Organization.

SSC Central Police Organisation Exam Updates – 

SSC CPO 2020 Exam The Staff Selection Commission released the SSC CPO Exam 2020 Notification on June 17th 2020 to conduct the CPO 2020 exam from 29th September. The SSC CPO 2020 exam online application window is open till July 16th, 2020. Earlier, on June 1st the commission announced the date of SSC CPO Paper I 2020 exam. Aspirants willing to apply can go through the detailed SSC CPO Notification 

SSC CPO 2019 Exam – The dates for SSC CPO 2019 Paper-II is June 21st, 2020 any changes in the dates will be notified by the commission. The SSC CPO result 2019 (Paper I ) is declared by the Commission on February 12th, 2020. The SSC CPO exam paper I for 2019 was conducted from December 11, 2019, to December 13th, 2019. 

SSC CPO 2018 Exam – SSC has declared the SSC CPO Result 2018 for Paper-II conducted on September 27th, 2019. The commission declared the SSC CPO Paper II Result on 3rd February 2020. Check the details below.

Aspirants trying to get into the Central Police Force for various posts like Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF should have detailed information regarding this exam.

For detailed view of SSC CPO kindly watch the full video given below:

SSC CPO Notification:

Staff Selection Commission released CPO 2020 exam notification on the official website. all the relevant details pertaining to SSC CPO exam such as vacancy, eligibility, exam dates, exam pattern and syllabus, etc are given in the notification. Candidates can download the detailed SSC CPO 2020 Notification from the PDF given below.

SSC CPO Exam Dates

The Staff Selection Commission released the SSC CPO Exam 2020 recruitment notification on June 17th 2020. The SSC CPO Paper I is scheduled from 29th September 2020 onwards.  

The application window for SSC CPO is open for registrations, candidates willing to apply can fill the forms from 17th June 2020 to July 16, 2020. SSC has given in detail the dates of SSC CPO 2020 examination. The table given below will highlight the SSC CPO 2020 exam dates.

SSC CPO 2020 Exam Dates 
SSC CPO eventsSSC CPO Dates
SSC CPO 2020 Notification & Online ApplicationJune 17th 2020
SSC CPO Apply Online Last dateJuly 16th 2020
SSC CPO Paper I (CBE)September 29th 2020 to October 5th 2020
SSC CPO Paper II 1st March 2021

These SSC CPO Exam dates might vary for the 2020 exam. Candidates should be regularly updated will date related information on the SSC official website.

For detailed and year-wise SSC CPO Exam Dates for the year 2019, 2018 and 2020 check the linked article.

SSC CPO Recruitment

The SSC recruits candidates for the Group B & Group C posts under the CPO. Last year, the SSC CPO recruitment for various posts was around 1200.

The SSC CPO Vacancy for CPO 2020 exam is 1564 as mentioned in the official notification. Check the detailed SSC CPO vacancy given below:

SSC CPO Vacancy 2020

However, the above-mentioned vacancies might change in the future. Any change in the number of vacancies will be intimated by the commission.

The SSC CPO recruitment vacancies are advertised by the Commission as per the indents that have given by the User Departments. The vacancies are for the post of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police( Male/Female), ASI Executive in CISF, Sub-Inspector in CAPFs.

Candidates can refer to the SSC CPO official Notification for more details on vacancies and posts.

SSC CPO Admit card

Staff Selection Commission will update the Admit card and Schedule of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Exam, 2020. SSC CPO Admit cards release according to the scheduled papers.

The commission releases SSC CPO admit card at least one week before the exam and the same follows for Paper-II. As the SSC CPO Exam 2020 Paper i is scheduled from September 29th, 2020, candidates can expect teh releases of admit card by end of the August 2020 or September starting.

Candidates can check relevant details of SSC CPO Admit card on the linked page.

The SSC CPO Admit Card (AC)/Admission Certificate for the Examination indicating the time table and also venues of examination for each candidate will be placed on the website of the concerned Regional Office. As per the rules, the SSC CPO admit card will not be sent by post to the candidates.

If any candidate is unable to download the SSC CPO Admit Card for the examination, he/ she must immediately contact the concerned Regional/ Sub-Regional Office(s) of the Staff Service Commission with details such as registration ID, proof of fee payment, copy of online application form submitted by the candidate etc for obtaining the desired Admit Card.

Steps to download SSC CPO Admit Card

Step 1- Go to the SSC official website(https://ssc.nic.in).

Step 2- Enter your Registration ID & password

Step 3- Check the details and download the SSC CPO exam admit card.

SSC CPO Eligibility

The SSC CPO exam has certain eligibility criteria for candidates aspiring for the exam.

Candidates should check the SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria properly before applying for the exam as the Staff Service Commission might cancel the application at the last moment if the SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria is not met.

The SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria for the CPO Exam is as follows:

The Eligibility for the SSC CPO is as follows:-

CategorySSC CPO Eligibility
  • Must be a citizen of India, Nepal or Bhutan.
  • Migrated candidates should have necessary citizenship documents from Govt. of India.
Age Limit
  • Minimum – 20 years
  • Maximum 25 years
  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University/Institute

SSC CPO Exam Pattern

The SSC CPO Exam Pattern has 4 stages-

  1. Paper I
  2. Physical Test
  3. Paper-II
  4. Medical Examination

All these above stages/sections are mandatory.

The SSC CPO Exam Pattern for Paper I is as follows:

General Intelligence & Reasoning5002 hrs
General Knowledge & Awareness50
Quantitative Aptitude50
English Comprehension50

The SSC CPO Exam Pattern for Paper II is as follows:

English Language & Comprehension20002 hrs

SSC CPO Exam pattern- Salient points

  • As per the SSC CPO Exam Pattern, both papers will have multiple-choice questions.
  • Candidates can expect a deduction of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in both the papers.
  • Candidates who qualify in Paper I will be allowed for Physical test.
  • Paper-II will be appeared by candidates who clear the Physical Test.
  • Paper-II will be followed by Medical Examination.


The SSC CPO Syllabus covers all the important topics relevant for the Paper I & Paper II. Candidates need to prepare well for both the papers are they are equally important.

As per the SSC CPO Syllabus, the Paper I is a computer-based Exam where the topics that are asked are related to

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • General Knowledge and Awareness
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Comprehension

Paper-II in the SSC CPO Syllabus is on English Language & Comprehension where the candidates’ skills on vocabulary, spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure, etc are tested.

SSC CPO Online

Candidates should follow the below steps while applying for the SSC CPO Exam.

  1. Log in to the official website(https://ssc.nic.in).
  2. Fill the basic details asked for in the registration window.
  3. Submit the application. You will be provided with a registration ID.
  4. Log in using the Registration ID and password.
  5. complete all other steps and submit relevant documents
  6. Upload your photograph and scanned copy of the signature as per the desired dimensions.
  7. Complete your payment process.
  8. Check all the details provided by you for any mistakes.
  9. Submit your application form. Your registration will be completed.
  10. Take a printout of the application form for your reference.


The commission released the cut off fro SSC CPO exam along with the result of the same. The cut off for SSC CPO 2020 Exam will be released once the paper I of the same is conducted successfully as per the schedule mentioned on the official notification.

The SSC CPO Result 2019 for the paper I is released on February 14th, 2020. Similarly, The results for the SSC CPO 2018 Paper I has been released on May 25, 2019. 

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