Government Jobs For Civil Engineer (on Contract) In Oil India Limited - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Government Jobs For Civil Engineer (on Contract) In Oil India Limited


Civil Engineer on Contract

Oil India Limited

Address: Oil India Limited, KG Basin Project, Door No. 11-4-7 (3rd Floor), Nookalamma Temple Street, Ramaroapet, Kakinada
Postal Code: 533004
State: Andhra Pradesh
Pay Scale: A consolidated contract fee of Rs. 45,000/- plus Rs. 3,500/- as accommodation allowance and Rs.1,500/- as medical allowance will be paid per month.
Qualifications: BE or B. Tech degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized institute
Experience Requirements: 03 years
No of Post: 02
How To Apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the above conditions should report for interview with a copy of their bio-data, photocopy and original certificates and testimonials, other related material i.e. reports, documents, articles, etc., if any.
Date & Time of Interview: 09.04.2015 At 10.00 am- 11.00 am
Venue: Oil India Limited, KG Basin Project, Door No. 11-4-7 (3rd Floor), Nookalamma Temple Street, Ramaroapet, Kakinada-533004, Andhra Pradesh

General Conditions:  No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.
 The engagement will not confer any right on the candidate for regularization in OIL.
 The candidates should be of sound health and have to provide a fitness certificate from a Govt.registered medical practitioner at the time of joining in the prescribed format.
 The candidates having command over the local language of Andhra Pradesh as well as English will be given preference.
 Any dispute with regard to the recruitment against this advertisement will be under the jurisdiction of Dibrugarh district court only.

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