Government Vacancy For Security Assistant In Parliament of India - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Government Vacancy For Security Assistant In Parliament of India

Parliament of India

Security Assistant Grade-II

Parliament of India

Address: The Joint Recruitment Cell, Room No 521, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi
Postal Code: 110001
City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
Pay Scale: Pay Scale of Rs. 9300-34800(PB-2) + GRADE PAY: Rs. 4200.
Qualifications: Ex-Servicemen possessing qualification of Intermediate (Class XII) from a recognised Board and possessing experience/training in handling and operation of Arms and also well versed in all types of chores concerned with anti-sabotage checks, area sanitization, CCTV operation and other security related ground duties. Preference will be given to persons possessing Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
No of Post: 12
How To Apply: Applicants must fill up all the columns of application form properly. Applications complete in all respects should be sent to:- THE JOINT RECRUITMENT CELL, ROOM NO. 521, PARLIAMENT HOUSE ANNEXE, NEW DELHI-110001.
Last Date: 05.05.2015
Upper Age Limit: 45 Years

General Conditions: I. Eligible candidates have to apply in typewritten form for the above post, either in English or in Hindi, strictly in the prescribed format. The format of the application can be downloaded from the websitehttp://www.loksabha.nic.in under the link ‘Recruitment’.
II. Applications which are illegible, not conforming to the prescribed application format and the instructions given in the Advertisement or received after the last date of receipt of applications will be summarily rejected.
III. Armed Forces Personnel in the last year of service in the Force who have been permitted to seek re-employment are also eligible to apply.

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