Jobs For Attendant-cum-Technician- Trainee – ITI In SAIL - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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Jobs For Attendant-cum-Technician- Trainee – ITI In SAIL

Steel Authority of India Limited

Attendant-cum-Technician- Trainee - ITI

Steel Authority of India Limited

Address: Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand
Postal Code: 827001
State: Jharkhand
Pay Scale: Candidates selected as Attendant-cum-Technician Trainee will be paid consolidated Pay of Rs. 8600/-pm during 1st year of training and Rs. 10000/-pm during the 2nd year of training. During the period of 2 year training Trainees will also get Medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children. Leave etc will be as per the Rules of the Company.
Qualifications: Matriculation and Govt. or PSU sponsored, ITI passed candidates having undergone at least one year’s training in an integrated steel plant.
No of Post: 124
How To Apply: Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL’s website:
www.sail.co.in (Career with sail). No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Last Date: 27/04/2015
Upper Age Limit: 28 Years

General Conditions: i) Candidate must be an Indian national possessing requisite qualification from an Institute recognized by State Govt. /Central Govt.
ii) Candidates not satisfying the requisite eligibility criteria specified in this advertisement need not apply. All certificates and documents in support of eligibility will be verified only during the interview and any candidate, who fails to produce the same, will not be allowed to appear for interview. Therefore, candidates are requested to ensure their eligibility before applying.
ii) While applying the candidates should enter their full name as it appears in the matriculation/secondary certificate.

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