ALIMCO Kanpur Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020 - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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ALIMCO Kanpur Job Vacancy Recruitment 2020

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), a CPSU under the aegis of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, ALIMCO Jobs RecruitmentMinistry of Social Justice and Empowerment, invites applications from qualified personnel to fill up the following 31 Sarkari Naukri vacancy positions on Direct Recruitment basis at ALIMCO HQ at Kanpur and its Auxiliary Production Centres. (Advertisement No. AD 3F 01/May-2020)

ALIMCO Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  1. General Manager (Finance & Administration) : 01 vacancy
  2. Manager (P&A) : 01 vacancy
  3. Manager (Finance) : 01 vacancy
  4. Dy. Manager (Marketing) : 01 vacancy
  5. Internal Auditor : 01 vacancy
  6. Jr. ManagerProduction (Paint & Surface Treatment Shop) : 01 vacancy
  7. Personnel & Administrative Officer : 01 vacancy
  8. Accountant : 01 vacancy
  9. Jr. Storekeeper : 01 vacancy
  10. Q.C. Assistant cum Technical Assistant (Mechanical) : 01 vacancy
  11. Jr. Clerk Assistant : 03 vacancies
  12. Millwright : 02 vacancies
  13. Press Operator : 03 vacancies
  14. Machnist : 02 vacancies
  15. Assembler : 04 vacancies
  16. Electrician : 01 vacancy
  17. Fitter : 05 vacancies
  18. Painter: 01 vacancy

How to Apply ALIMCO Kanpur Job Vacancy 2020?

Applications in the prescribed format along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Age, Caste, Educational qualifications, Experience etc., and Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for Sl. No 1 to 7 and Rs.250/- for Sl. No. 8 to 18 (SC/ST/PWD and departmental candidates are exempted from payment of application fee) drawn in favour of ALIMCO, payable at Kanpur, may be sent to the Manager (Personnel & Administration), ALIMCO, Naramau, G. T. Road, Kanpur - 209217 (UP). The ‘Advt. No.’ ‘Category’ and the Post Applied For’ should be mentioned on the envelope so as to reach on or before 13/07/2020.

Details and Application Form

For complete information and application form for  please visit Recruitment tab at ALIMCO website at https://www.alimco.in

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