High Court of Madhya Pradesh – District Judge,Civil Judge Jobs – Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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High Court of Madhya Pradesh – District Judge,Civil Judge Jobs – Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

High Court of Madhya Pradesh – District Judge,Civil Judge Jobs – Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

District Judge (LLB) In Recruitment


District Judge (LLB)

No Of
High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh  482001
Only those Senior Division Civil Judges (Class-I) of Madhya Pradesh, whose names are figured in the annexed list shall be eligible to apply for the Examination.
Rs. 51,550 - Rs. 63,070/- Per Month
In any of the following cases, the Judicial Officer/candidate for afore-said examination shall be disqualified and/or Departmental action for misconduct may be initiated against him:- (i) If he or she takes or attempts to take any favour in any form at any stage of examination, or (ii) Impersonation by or for the candidate, or (iii) Making or submitting any forged document in support of his or her candidature, or (iv) If hc or she conceals any material information or provides any false information at any stage of selection process, or (v) If hc or she uses or attempts to use, improper or illegal mean.s, either for purpose of being permitted to appear in examination or at any stage of examination in examination room/hall, or (vi) If he or she, during written examination harasses or threatens or causes physical injury to or misbehaves with, any Officer or employee cngagcd there, or (vii) If he or she, disobeys any directions relating to examination including oral directions by the invigilator or observer or any other Officer or employee engaged in conduction of examination. Moreover, Canvassing in any form will also be tantamount to disqualification. Similarly, any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support for his candidature or selection/appointment, through persons of influence or officers of Government/High Court will also disqualify him for appointment
How To
Apply For
High Court Of Madhya Pradesh
Vacancy :
The eligible Senior Division Civil Judges (Class-I) desirous to appear in Examination will have to submit online application on the website of MP High Court (www.mphc.gov.in), on or before18-06-2020. The Senior Division Civil Judges (Class-I) who fails to submit the application form within the prescribed period shall be tantamount their non-willingness to appear in Suitability Test-2020.
Objections & Finalization of Model Answers - After completion of Examination, the proposed Model Answers/Keys intended to be used for result of ()MR sheets used for lst Paper, will be uploaded/published on the wcbsite of the M.P. I-Iigh Court alongwith the Notice to the effect that if any candidate wishes to make any objection/clarification etc. regarding any Model Answer/Key, he/she may submit objection/clarification in writing & signed by him to the Principal Registrar (Exam) M.P. IIigh Court, Jabalpur, through E-mail within 05 days from the date of uploading/ publication of the proposed model answerskeys, by mentioning his /her Name along with self attested photo copies of source document(s)/ proof, which is/arc base of his objection/clarification raised. Objections/clarification received in aforesaid manner and mode within aforesaid time limit along with self-attested copies of the source/proof document shall be considered and then Model Answers shall be finalized. The finalized Model Answers shall bc used as Keys/model Answers for the generation of result/valuation of the ()MR sheets of the candidates. After declaration of result, no reprcscntation regarding any objection/clarification of any model Answers/questions, shall bc entertained on any ground and shall be rejected without assigning any reason. 9. Valuation of |St ucstion Pa After F,xamination the valuation of 1 St Paper shall be made by OMR Scanner and shall bc completed without delay. 10. Valuation of 2nd uestion Pa erValuation of answer books of 2nd Paper shall be made by Central Valuation Method as per approved scheme. Thcrc shall no provision of revaluation of answer-books and any application from any candidate for revaluation, if received, shall stand rejected without assigning any reason
Detail Of
There shall be Written Examination, which shall be held on 18-07-2020 (Saturday) at 11:00 am to 2:00 pin (3 hours).
Venue Of
on 18-07-2020 (Saturday) at 11:00 am to 2:00 pin (3 hours). The examination may be held at High Court Campus, at Jabalpur under the control, supervision and guidance of Principal Registrar (Exam)n`egistrar (Exam) or as directed by IIon'blc the Chief Justice.
Official Website Document

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