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Eastern Coalfields Limited – Medical Specialist Consultant Govt Naukri (Kolkata, West Bengal)

Eastern Coalfields Limited – Medical Specialist Consultant Govt Naukri (Kolkata, West Bengal)

Medical Specialist Consultant (MBBS,Post Graduate, Diploma,MS/MD) In Recruitment


Medical Specialist Consultant (MBBS,Post Graduate, Diploma,MS/MD)

No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Eastern Coalfields Limited, Kolkata, West Bengal  713333
MBBS and PG Degree/Diploma for the post applied for from any Medical College recognized by the Medical Council of India/State Medical Council and valid permanent Registration.
For retired Medical Specialists of CILI Subsidiaries: For Retd. E-8 Gr. Monthly Rate: 1,50,000 Hourly Rate: 800, For Retd. E-7 Gr. Monthly Rate: 1,30,000 Hourly Rate: 700, For Retd. E-6 Gr. Monthly Rate: 1,15,000 Hourly Rate: 600 , For Retd. E-5 Gr. Monthly Rate: 1,00,000 Hourly Rate: 500 (ii) For Medical Specialists of outside candidates including retired Medical Executives of other PSUs/ Government Organizations: Post qualification Experience (in years): 15 & above: Monthly Rate: 1,50,000 Hourly Rate: 800,12 & 15 Monthly Rate: 1,30,000 Hourly Rate: 700 , = 9 12 Monthly Rate: 1,15,000 Hourly Rate: 600 , Less than 9 Monthly Rate: 1,00,000 Hourly Rate: 500 (iii) For fresh Non-specialist Medical professionals, Fresh Medical professionals who have been engaged as Medical Consultants under this policy are eligible for a consolidated honorarium of 85,000/- per month or per hour as per their respective mode of engagement irrespective of their post-qualification experience.
Not more than 65 years
On Full-Time basis as a Medical Specialist Consultant. Services will be utilized as per requirement on a day to day Hospitals.
Eastern Coalfields Limited (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited), Sanctoria (WB) looking for following Medical Specialists and invites applications for engagement of Medical Specialist Consultant from retired executives of Medical Discipline from CIL & its Subsidiaries on contract basis for an initial period of one year which may be extended for one more year depending upon the requirement and satisfactory performance. The eligibility criteria, terms of engagement, pay & allowances, other benefits are as per CIL Policy for engagement of Medical Consultants circulated vide 0M No. CIL/C5A (PC)/Medical Consultant/405 dated 30-03-2020, a copy of which iS attached herewith (also available on CIL's Official website-wwwcoalindimimunder link - Info Bank/Circulars). Applicants are advised to carefully read the eligibility criteria and other conditions as mentioned in the aforesaid 0M No. 405 dated 30-03-2020.
How To
Apply For
Eastern Coalfields Limited
Vacancy :
Applications in the prescribed format must reach in the office of Dy. General Manager (P/EE), ECL, Sanctoria, Dist. Paschim Bardhman (WB) Pin 713333 through email at hodee.ecl@coalindia.in or registered post or Speed post or through personal delivery in Central Receipt/Dispatch Section of ECL HQ Sanctoria on or before 25-06-2020 by 5:00 pm. The company shall not be held responsible for delay in transit if any. Applications received after the due date will not be considered. The application format is attached herewith (Annexure-II).
Selection of the Medical Consultants is subject to Character and Antecedent verification of the candidates, which would be done post appointment. In case, any discrepancy or concealment of information is found, the contract period of such Medical consultant will be terminated with immediate effect without any notice period. Based on the requirement of the Company concerned, Management will be within its rights to extend the services of Consultant, anytime, to any Establishments of the Company/ Strategic locations. ii. The offer of engagement under this Policy shall not confer any right for regular appointment in CIL & its Subsidiaries. iii. The offer ofengagement under this Policy shall not confer any right for regular appointment in CIL & its Subsidiaries. iv. No T A/ DA will be admissible for attending walk-in-interview. However, the Consultants would be eligible for reimbursement of cost of fare incurred at the time of joining equivalent to AC 3 Tier (3rd AC) by the shortest route for self. v. Consultants shall not engage in private practice during their period of engagement in CIL (HQ)/ Subsidiaries and shall be available at any time for emergencies. vi. Specialist Consultants may also be engaged as teaching faculties for conducting Broad Specialty DNB Courses in CIL Hospitals. vii. Any absence from work fora continuous period of fifteen days or more without proper written permission of the Reporting Authority will amount to voluntary abandonment of engagement and automatic termination without any notice or payment in lieu of notice period. viii. The period of engagement is liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof after giving one month's notice on either side or on payment of one month's consolidated honorarium in lieu thereof.
Official Website Document

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