IIIT Kalyani – Deputy Registrar – Vacancy (Kalyani, West Bengal), - Sarkari Naukri Dhaba | सरकारी नौकरी 2020-2021

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IIIT Kalyani – Deputy Registrar – Vacancy (Kalyani, West Bengal),

IIIT Kalyani – Deputy Registrar – Vacancy  (Kalyani, West Bengal),

Deputy Registrar (Post Graduate) In Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Kalyani - IIIT Kalyani Recruitment


Deputy Registrar (Post Graduate)

No Of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani , Kalyani, West Bengal  741235
Essential Qualification: Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ in the UGC 7 point scale from recognised Universities/Institutes of repute and consistently good academic records.
Level 12 in pay of Rs.78800/-
Not exceeding 50 years
Experience/Exposure to computer based Finance & Accounting / Audit / Academic / Purchase & Stores/Establishment/Personnel & HR/Services & facilities Management will be preferred.
Nine (9) years’ of experience as Assistant Professor in Level-10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 57700-98200/- (Prerevised: PB-3, AGP Rs. 6000/-) and above in a reputed organisation with experience in educational administration, or (ii) Comparable experience in research establishment and / or other institutions of higher education, or (iii) 5 years’ of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar in Level-10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56100- 177500/- (Pre-revised: PB-3, GP Rs. 5400/-) or in an equivalent post in IITs / IIITs / University System / Research Institute / Central Government Departments
How To
Apply For
IIIT Kalyani
Vacancy :
The filled in application along with necessary enclosures must reach The Registrar (Offg.), Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani on or before 10.06.2020 by 4 P.M. by Email only (office@iiitkalyani.ac.in) The printed and signed online application form along with necessary enclosures should be sent to the following address so as to reach on or before 15 Days’ after withdrawal of lockdown by Speed Post only.. The Registrar (Offg.) Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani WEBEL IT Park, Room No. 107 14, Adibasi Para, Opposite Kalyani Water Treatment Plant, Near Buddha Park, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN : 741 235 West Bengal, India
The application form and essential qualification, experience and other details be downloaded from www.iiitkalyani.ac.in 2 The completed application form along with scanned copy documents must reach the Registrar (Offg.), Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani, through Email on or before 10.06.2020 only. 3 The application form (hard copy) complete in all respect is to be submitted to Registrar (Offg.), Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani, WEBEL IT Park, 14, Adibasi Para, Opp. Kalyani Water Treatment Plant, Near Buddha Park, Kalyani, Nadia, PIN : 741 235, West Bengal, India on or before 15 Days’ after withdrawal of lockdown by Speed Post only. 4 The envelope should be superscibed as “Application for the post of Deputy Registrar” and subject of the E-mail should be “Application for the post of Deputy Registrar against Advt. No. IIITK/Rectt/20-21/NF/09 dated 11th May, 2020” 5 For each of the qualifications, professional experiences, achievements, etc., documentary proof in the form of self-attested photo-copies is to be attached with the application. 6 All degrees/certificates should be from recognised University/Institute. 7 The originals must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining. 8 Incomplete applications / applications without necessary enclosures may not be accepted. 9 Any misleading wrong information supplied by the candidates may lead to summarily rejection of the application, if found subsequently also, the appointment will be cancelled. 10 An application in prescribed form with complete information and attachments will only be entertained for further processing. 11 The Screening Committee shall short-list the eligible and desirable candidates, to be called for test/interview. 12 Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification and experience requirements for the post does not entitle the candidate to be called for an interview. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification and experience higher than those prescribed in this advertisement. 13 Persons employed in Government and Semi-Government organizations must apply through proper channel or to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of interview. However, an advance copy, superscripted as “Advance Copy” on the application form, may be submitted before the last date. 14 No interim queries regarding interview / selection process will be entertained. 15 Canvassing in any form will lead to rejection of application form. 16 Decision of the Selection Committee and the Board of Governors of IIIT Kalyani with respect to the selection process is final. 17 Candidates will have to appear for interview at their own cost, if called before a Selection Committee on the date and place which will be separately notified / informed to the candidates. 18 Legal disputes, if any with IIIT Kalyani are restricted to the jurisdiction of Kalyani Court only. 19 Soft copy of the application is also to be sent to the mail address: office@iiitkalyani.ac.in 20 Applications, received after the due date will not be considered. 21 The applicants are required to visit the Institute website regularly for any subsequent corrigendum/addendum etc. which shall be published on the Institute website only. 22 The originals must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining. 23 Reservation at entry level is applicable as per Government of India rule.
Official Website Document

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